I thought i would put some recent images up to start a fresh!
I read a post months back on the print and pattern blog about a designer called Michelle Romo who completed a project called 25. She did a project everyday, and had a different theme each month to celebrate her 25th year!
Ace idea, i had a further look into this and found quite a few people doing a drawing a day etc, so i thought id give it a go!
I started it on the 1st January 2009 as my new years resolution!(the only one iv'e ever managed to keep!)
I had a look back through them and here a some that i like!Hope you like them too!

Sorry for the side views! I like using this comic book format!

I was going on a printmaking course next week and was looking forward to having ago, and turning some of these into fabric prints etc, but its been cancelled!Boo!
Never mind though, ive brought a couple of books off amazon so will be trying to teach myself!Uhoh!
I'll post some results up on here soon if they turn out ok!
Rach X